There are some wounds, there is some pain, that can only be held and healed within community in collaboration with Spirit. Likewise, there is a level of nourishment and celebration that is difficult to experience outside of community.
Through the workshops and rituals offered here I am dedicated to creating a safe, grounded, nurturing container aligned with Spirit where deep healing, transformation and celebration arise organically.
Of note: to receive invitations to current events, sign up for the Witchy Healer newsletter (in the footer or via the pop-up). Most often, I’m offering workshops and events only to those on my email list.
Upcoming Events
The Path Of The Witchy Healer
Where: online
Join me for a free online introductory workshop exploring the path of the witchy healer from fundamentalism to freedom. Or, out of stuckness and invisibility and into authentic power, support, and belonging.
Seasonal Virtual Rituals
Where: online/virtual
When: Spring/Fall Equinoxes; Summer/Winter Solstices
Do you crave time to pause, to align with the natural world, and to recharge? Do you love celebrating the seasons in a ritual way with like-minded others? If so, I warmly invite you to join me in ritual to celebrate the solstices and equinoxes!
Embodiment, Boundaries, & the Ancestors
Where: online (self-study)
Especially pertinent to these times of unparalleled collective fear and overwhelm, this experiential intensive takes you on a journey of embodiment and boundaries with specific focus on how the ancestors influence both.