The 3rd Annual Ritual of Letting Go
(a radical water ritual for women)

I was all ready to write a very enthusiastic invitation to you announcing that it is time once again to go to the water for cleansing and purification.
However, that is not the energy that is present with me now. This year, the medicine wanting to come through this ritual is different.
It is a medicine of allowing, of receiving, of deepening into the sacredness of who we are as women… of deepening into the sacredness of life itself.
This year we go to the water to cleanse all that stands in the way of that which is most holy and sacred within us.
We go to the water to receive help and support in releasing all the old constructs and patterns that no longer serve and that mask that spark of the divine within each of us.
The earth does not need our smallness. Right now the earth is calling us to step fully into who we are as vibrant, empowered, loving women; the water is offering to wash away all that stands in the way.
It is with great love that I invite you to participate in this ritual with me.
We will create…
Assuming all goes as planned (wry smile) this ritual will be held at the ocean. We will create a sacred space, build an altar, call in the Spirits as taught by Malidoma Some, and allow the Spirits of water and ocean to cleanse and purify us and to wash away all that is no longer needed.
Who: women who feel called to work with Water and Spirit in this way.
What: a radical water ritual – meaning you will have the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the ocean (or engage with the water to whatever extent feels right to you).
Where: the ocean! Jami has offered her family’s cabin in Gearhart (3 miles N of Seaside) to us for our home base for this ritual.
When: July 18, 2013 (Thursday). You are welcome to spend the night at the beach house if you desire.
Note: this is the first year I am opening this ritual up to the public. If you feel called to join, even if you haven’t been in ritual before, you are welcome.
How to register:
Registration is closed… until next year!
Final thoughts:
This work that we undertake together is profound and filled with beauty.
Through it, we allow the water to cleanse and purify all that stands in the way of our connection to the sacredness and beauty of life.
This ritual is about being washed clean so that:
- we can stand fully aligned and present with the holy in nature and the holy within ourselves
- that which is divine and sacred within us can shine forth and be seen.
- we can more fully see and know that which is most divine and sacred within others.
Being in ritual with the water in this way allows for both a mirroring and a deepening. We give to the waters (our songs, offerings, our intentions and our prayers) so that we can receive from the waters. It is honoring all that is wild and alive both within and without.
It would be my great honor to be in ritual with you. Please contact me with any questions or for more details.