Reclaiming What Has Been Lost
Ancestral Lineage Healing Immersion in Sandpoint, ID
Friday-Sunday, November 8-10, 10am-5:30pm
(Register for day 1 only, days 2&3 only, or all three days; details below)
WHAT: a 3-day workshop/ritual to bring healing to one of your ancestral lines.
During day 1, you will gain a thorough foundation in ritual safety, assess the health and impact of your ancestral lines, choose a line of focus and initiate the healing for that line.
In days 2 and 3, you will engage steps 3-5 of the ancestral lineage healing process – working with the non-remembered dead, the recently passed, and then bringing through the blessings of the now-healed line to the living (including to you!).
WHY & HOW: Much of the trouble (pain, dysfunctional relationships, stuck patterns) we experience isn’t just ours but is rooted in the unresolved trauma embedded within our ancestral lineages. To shift these patterns, ancestral healing is needed.
When well, our ancestors offer much needed support and personal+familial healing while encouraging healthy self-esteem and helping us to clarify our destiny, relationships, and work in the world.
Through this workshop/ritual, you will learn to relate safely and directly with family ancestors, both helpful guides and the dead in need of assistance. The work will closely follow Dr. Daniel Foor’s book, Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing.
Expect to engage lineage ancestors in heart-centered ritual through prayer/song, deep listening or visioning practices, and group dialogue.
Prerequisite: all are welcome to attend day 1 – no previous experience with ritual or ancestral healing is needed.
If you have attended an introductory workshop with me and desire to continue the healing for a line (ie: you’ve met a guide but haven’t completed the healing for that specific line), you are welcome to join us for days 2/3 only. Reach out to me so I can make certain you are ready to proceed prior to registering – especially if some time has lapsed since you took the intro day+evening workshop.
All are welcome for the full immersion whether you have previous experience or not.
WHEN: Nov 8-10, 2024 (10am-5:30pm)
WHERE: tbd – Sandpoint, ID
WHO: This workshop/ritual will be held within a non-dogmatic, trauma-aware ritual container that embraces the relationship of ancestral engagement with cultural healing.
12 participants.
$400 for all three days;
$275 for days 2&3 only;
$175 for day one (plus the optional closing ceremony on day 3).
I’m open to some trade/barter. Are you a skilled craftsperson, farmer/gardener, hunter, beekeeper, etc? Let’s talk. 🙂
To Register:
Pay in full for all three days ($400)
to register for Day 1 only, use code DAY1ONLY
to register for Days 2&3 only, use code DAYS2AND3
*contact me directly if a payment plan for day 1 or days 2&3 only would be helpful; I’m happy to make that possible.
**Photo is of the central offering created by many hands during a previous workshop/ritual in Sandpoint, ID.
Here is a more thorough outline for those of you who appreciate more details. 🙂
The first day:
A foundation in embodiment, nervous system tracking, and boundaries sets the groundwork from which to engage in lineage healing work.
We will practice:
- Gently becoming present in our environments and in our bodies.
- Skills that will enhance our natural intuitive abilities.
- Practices to help us return to calm if we become overwhelmed, anxious, or scared at any point during the work.
- Noticing how are bodies feel when we are safe (whether in ritual or daily life) and how a felt sense of safety naturally enhances our intuitive abilities.
- Steps to take (when needed) to restore personal safety.
Further, we will focus specifically on why boundaries are necessary when working with the ancestors including distinguishing between concrete and energetic forms of boundaries.
From there we will…
Talk about who the ancestors are and why it can be beneficial to engage in ancestral healing.
Next, we will drop in an embodied visioning space and assess the health and vitality of each of our primary ancestral lines.
We will note the level of impact each line is having on our lives and the lives of our families (children in particular), learn to discern and clear our personal space of any non-beneficial ancestral energies and establish and reinforce boundaries as needed with regards to any heavy or disruptive energies coming from the not-yet-fully well ones of our lineages.
Then we will…
- Choose a lineage of focus for healing.
- Make contact with older ancestral guides and receive blessings for our lives.
- Initiate a healing prayer for the not-yet-well generations to become free from the burdens (the pain/trauma) that flow to you via your lineage.
- Begin to know/see your gifts and strengths within the context of your lineage.
- Receive homework that will deepen and support the healing that is happening.
Additionally, we’ll talk in more depth about how to ‘drop in’ from a place of embodied safety, the various ways deep listening can occur (no two people ‘hear’ or ‘see’ in exactly the same way) and how to trust what you are sensing.
We will conclude the day speaking about how to anchor this relationship in your daily life.
Topics may include:
- Creating an ancestral altar (following the guidance of your Ancestors) + talk about why this can be beneficial.
- Making offerings + types of possible offerings.
- Learning to relate with the healthy ancestors from a respectful/humble yet empowered stance.
- Crafting a consistent, sustainable, spirit-guided spiritual practice.
Days 2&3:
I’m not going to fully describes these two days. We will be following the Ancestral Lineage Repair process (engaging steps 3-5) as developed by Daniel Foor (as I said above). His book goes into these steps in great depth and I encourage you to refer to that if you wish more details.
We’ll conclude the immersion on Sunday afternoon with a closing ceremony, making offerings to our well ones and guides and making prayers for our lives and loved ones.
As our ancestors heal, we heal. As the pain and stuck spirits in our lineages transform, there is the opportunity for the pain and stuck patterns in our lives to transform as well.
This is truly a life-changing path filled with so much beauty and so many gifts. I’m thrilled to be walking this path with you! <3
About the facilitator, Larisa Noonan
Larisa Noonan (La-REE-sa Noo-Nan) grew up afraid of burning in Hell. Now she spends her days supporting witchy healers, many who grew up as she did, in fundamentalist Christian homes.
As an Existential Kink shadow work coach, ancestral healer, and ritualist, Larisa is passionate about using her skills in service of helping witchy healers create Spirit-Guided businesses.
Larisa’s ancestors are from France, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands via Ukraine; she lives with her husband and son on the ancestral homelands of the Q’lispe (Kalispel) tribe in Sandpoint, ID.
She no longer fears burning in Hell.