Visioning With The Ancestors
January 12, 2025; 10:30am – 4:30pm; Sandpoint, ID
A mini retreat for dropping in deeply with your wise, well ones and bringing forth your vision for the new year (and beyond!).
What: a one-day mini retreat of somatic practices, journaling, ancestral connection and visioning for the new year.
When: Sunday, January 12, 2025 from 10:30am-4:30pm Pacific
Where: Embody Studio, Sandpoint, ID
Who: 12 lovely folks who have, at a minimum, met an ancestral guide (via the ancestral healing method developed by Dr. Daniel Foor). If you have not yet worked with me or within this lineage and want to attend, contact me and we’ll see what’s possible.
Why: because the world is in flames and your gifts and authentic presence are needed. The ancestors (if we but turn towards them) are here to inform and guide us in stepping forward and living our vision for a more beautiful world.
*I’m open to some trade/barter. Are you a skilled craftsperson, farmer/gardener, hunter, beekeeper, etc? Let’s talk. 🙂
Are You In? Wonderful!
Payment by check, cash, or venmo is all great too. To register in that way, reach out to me directly at
Pay in full
3 payments
Thank you! I’m so looking forward to visioning with you and yours in this way. 🙂
About me, Larisa Noonan
(La-REE-sa she/her).
I grew up afraid of burning in Hell. Now I spend my days working with witchy healers who grew up, as I did, in fundamentalist homes (or cultures).
For the past two decades I’ve specialized in trauma healing, embodiment skills, and supporting healthy boundaries. I’m especially passionate about ancestral healing and supporting those in recovery from a black-white, us-them view of the world.
I live with my husband and son in Sandpoint, ID, the traditional lands of the Q’lispe (Kalispel) tribe; my ancestors hail from from France, the Netherlands via Ukraine, Germany, and Switzerland.
I no longer fear burning in Hell.
For more: