A few years ago I was holding monthly ancestral healing circles in my (then) home in North Portland.
These circles were small, generally between two and seven participants in any given month. And still, with every passing month, I noticed an increasing availability of healing and support from our collective ancestors.
I had this sense that as we were meeting in-person to form a small community joined in ritual, a much larger village of our collective ancestors was forming concurrently.
As each of us invoked our own lineages with a shared intention for healing and guidance, our collective ancestors began to harmonize and work together on the behalf of not just their living descendant but for all of us gathered.
The medicine and healing available for each of us expanded and deepened with every passing month.
Different format – same experience.
I’m seeing this now with my monthly virtual circle as well – the collective energy deepens and expands with every circle.
Every time we gather there are new levels of support and healing available for us.
With each new ancestral guide greeted and each line healed there is more support and love not just for the descendant of that line (the living person doing the work) but for everyone in the circle. There is truly an ancestral village forming comprised of all of our collective ancestors.
A third format – same experience :).
This same thing happens during a three-day ancestral lineage healing intensive. With each passing day, there is more collective support and healing available both for each intensive participant and for all ancestors still in need of healing.
I’m rather in awe of all of this –
of how the well ancestors, when invoked within community, weave together to form a container that holds exactly what is needed for each person present.
I haven’t experienced this level of nuance and harmony elsewhere – not in any of the many groups, trainings, ongoing ceremonies, etc. I’ve been a part of over the years.
The collective well ancestors create a healing container like no other.
This container deepens and expands through the intentional, repeated (whether over months or days) ritual engagement between living humans and the well ancestors. The end result is a powerful cauldron in which both our own deepest wounds and the wounds of our ancestors can be lovingly held and transformed.
Why I’m sharing this repeating experience:
I’m sharing this today in part because the early registration deadline (save $50 through August 14) for the Olympia Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive is next week. Registrations are rolling in and Seyta and I would love to be in ritual with you and your ancestors as well.
Even more, I’m sharing because, for me, this experience of being in ritual with both other living humans and the well ancestors hasĀ revolutionized my understanding of healing, of belonging, and allowed for the possibility of true magic and transformation. This is something I want for everyone.
If you have experienced this, Yay! Let’s invoke this level of support and magic even more!
If you haven’t, I want this for you. It will change your life.
all my love,
ps. Click here to learn more about the Olympia Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive guided by myself and Seyta Selter. For similar lineage healing events being held world-wide, click here.
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