Like much of the United States (and the world) I’ve been in a state of shock, grief, and overwhelm the past week. My primary practice in times like this is to turn to my ancestors, to ask for their guidance, comfort, and wisdom.
Today I’d like to share with you a message I received from my ancestors. May it bring some comfort and light your path forward as it has for me.
Me: Ancestors. What do you have to say about all this? And I don’t want platitudes.
Ancestors: Feel the grief. That is the first step. Feel the anger. Let it roll through and out of you. Give it to us. We will compost it for you and help you discover seeds of action and positive steps you, yes you, can take to benefit this great uncovering and revealing that is happening now.
Because you are needed.
We love you. We want what is best for you. And for the earth.
Non-violence is rooted at our core and that is the only way forward. Violence can not be met with violence with any outcome other than more violence.
Pray. Find peace within yourself. Not with what is happening. Within yourself.
Meet your grief and rage. Feel it, feel it, feel it. Let it burn. Let it move. Let the healing tears of grief flow. Find peace within. That is the first step.
Feel, turn towards the feelings, find peace and then listen. You will know what to do next. In the silence of peace within, an answer (for you, for this moment) will emerge. From us. From the earth. From the wind and the waters.
Let it be. Love. Let it be. For now, feeling is the answer. Feeling your way to peace. To the stillness within that will allow you to hear what is needed from you, in this moment. And the next and the next and the next.
Peace (within) is the path forward.
With love,
ps. much gratitude to Elizabeth of for today’s photo.
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