The previous installment of the Journey of the Witchy Healer ended with the witchy healer ready to depart the fog of unresolved trauma and step fully onto their path of healing.
Essentially, in order to be delivered into the world witchy healers must leave that safe womb of the fog they were born into and be borne out of it.
And yet, in order to exit the fog, the witchy healer needs trustworthy guides. But, who are those guides?
Our ancestors.
But… with so many guides available to us in both the seen and unseen realms, why would we want our ancestors to be our guides?
Here are 8 reasons why your ancestors are in the perfect position to be your guide:
Reason #1: Unconditional Love: When they are well they love us without condition. We are of their blood and are their grandchildren and they want us to thrive and to carry their/our gifts forward.
Reason #2: They remember being human and have seen beyond: They have been incarnate, in human bodies, and have understanding of what it is to be alive, in these human bodies, with all the pain and joy that comes with that.
They have lived experience of what it is to be human and yet, they are also of the unseen realms. Therefore, they are in a perfect position to act as mediators, translators, bouncers, and guides between us and the unseen realms.
Reason #3: They are grounded and practical: The ancestors in my experience, are very practical and teach/guide us to be fully here, in our bodies, in this moment, on this earth. I’ve noticed this pattern that when people work with various of the other powers (ascended masters, angels, some gods and goddesses), they often are overwhelmed and end up, over time, less embodied, and more disassociated and fragmented.
The ancestors counter this tendency and titrate (monitor, buffer, and decrease the intensity as needed) of these kinds of encounters/relationships in a way that allows their beloved grandchild to anchor these energies without being blown away by them.
Reason #4: They can walk in the place of overlap. Not only have they been human and remember what it’s like but they now live in the in between places. The seen and the unseen worlds exist in the same place, at the same time…. all overlapping. As I experience it, our ancestors stand beside us in this world and also are of the unseen realms.
Reason #5: The ancient ones lived in a time when living in harmony with the natural world was crucial for their survival. They guide us in deepening into right relationship with our other-than-human kin (the trees, animals, waters, fungi…) and in finding the pathways of collaboration that will allow us to regain our rightful place in the web of life – to become stewards vs destroyers of the natural world.
Reason #6: They know the gifts of blood that run through your veins. They know the gifts that are theirs that are also flowing in you. With intimate knowing of these gifts through generations of embodiment of them, they can guide you on the path that will allow your/their gifts to open, to deepen, to fully emerge.
Reason #7: They held deep reverence for the earth and for the cycles of the seasons. They guide us in remembering who we are within these greater cycles and how to celebrate and honor the cycles/seasons both of the natural world and within our personal lives and communities.
Reason #8: They know how to grieve. Water in the form of our tears cleanses/purifies/resolves the fog of trauma similar to how water in the form of rain cleanses/purifies the fog of toxins from the air.
For all these reasons (and more) our ancestors are uniquely suited to guide us on our healing journey.
However… there are also compelling reasons why our ancestors might NOT be trustworthy guides right now. That’s where we’re going next week. <3
Until then, with love,
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