Consistently attracting new clients into your weird and wonderful world of witchy healing isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish.
All sorts of obstacles can arise – both internal and external.
On the more external side of things, perhaps you don’t actually know how to speak about what you do, who you are best situated to serve, what problem you are uniquely qualified to solve with your right-fit clients.
Internally, ohmygod, there are potentially even more obstacles – fear, doubt, imposter syndrome, confusion, overwhelm…
The solution often seems to be that we, as witchy healers, just need to take another marketing or business development course and also, of course, continue with our own healing so that we no longer feel fear, doubt, confusion, and overwhelm… So that we feel confident, peaceful, certain of ourselves and what we have to offer.
While there is truth to what I’ve just written, I’ve found that there is an even deeper layer of truth that makes being a witchy healer and actually thriving as a witchy healer much, much simpler.
What’s that?
It’s coming from The Place of Moss and Rest.
Ok, let me back up a little.
In July I participated in a Vision Quest/Fast where I spent three days/three nights alone, fasting, in nature.
While there is much to be said about that time, one of the most potent teachings I am returning with is “it is possible to do hard things from The Place of Moss and Rest.”
The Place of Moss and Rest is where I spent every afternoon… a haven of shade, peace, rest. And yes, of deep, soft, nourishing Moss.
Fasting alone for three days and three nights in nature was a stretch for me. It was something that felt scary, hard, unknown.
Could I do that? Would I freak out sleeping on the Earth by myself night after night? Could I stay awake all night on the final night, in ceremony, crying for a vision?
In truth, I didn’t know if I could.
And, while there were many moments filled with fear, with boredom, with grief, through it all, I felt such a sense of deep connection to the Earth, the Sky, the Trees, all of my other-than-human kin.
All of the challenging moments (including the heat and relentless mosquitos) were simultaneously filled with such support, connection, beauty, nourishment, guidance, and peace.
This is the gift that I’m returning with for myself, for you, for everyone in my community: we can do hard things from The Place of Moss and Rest.
…which is what I’m calling this place of deep connection, peace, beauty, nourishment, support…
This is the gift that I’m spending the next many months learning to anchor into my daily life. This is the gift that we are leaning into more and more within Witchy Healer Wisdom School and within the GUIDED case study for witchy healers.
Speaking of, since returning, there have been a couple of conversations about marketing on the live calls within WHWS … conversations around niching and offers.
It has been intriguing to notice how easy it is, with these types of conversations, to lift out of the body, out of The Place of Moss and Rest (which is accessed through our bodies) and into a more mental place of strategizing and attempting to ‘figure things out.’
And, how much better everything feels and how much more inspiration and guidance is available when we can descend into our bodies and return to The Place of Moss and Rest.
with love,
ps. what do I mean by the ‘hard things’ part of ‘we can do hard things’?
Hard things include growing a witchy healing business (obviously). They also include being a parent, doing the dishes, getting out of bed (!), tending relationships, finishing that project, writing your book, maintaining our spiritual practices, and on and on…
How might your life change if your ‘come from’ was The Place of Moss and Rest?’
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