This week has been a flurry of activity. Every day filled to the brim (and overflowing).
Throughout it all, I’ve noticed (yes, again) this tendency towards elevation, towards ascension… out of my body, into my head, yes. Perhaps even out of my head and into the space surrounding me … and beyond.
I look at my todo list and feel a bit of myself left, there, with the list. I think about picking up my son from his Friday program and there, I notice, a piece of me remains stuck in the future. Waiting for me? Perhaps. More likely simply scattered to the wind.
I look at my email and feel myself pulled in a thousand different directions as faces, voices (both beloved and not-yet-known) pull and tug at my attention, offering distraction, entertainment, information and, of course, requests for this or that.
My husband walks in and then out and a part of me goes with him, wondering about his day, what he is experiencing, thinking, feeling.
This constant scattering of myself leaves the parts of me that remain feeling hollow, bereft, anxious, overwhelmed. When I’m not all here, is it even possible to meet both my responsibilities and my desires well?
How can I even discern what actually is my responsibility much less truly feel what I desire?
As I write, I’m wondering… can you relate? Do you also notice moments (or days) when there is not as much of *you* present as might want?
When I started to write this letter to you, I thought I wanted to write about the myth of ascension, of enlightenment, of looking outwards and upwards for spiritual truth/love/healing and how all of that is actually most easily accessed when we DEscend, into our bodies, onto the Earth, into this moment.
Apparently, that isn’t where this letter is going. And yet, that thread is also here with me, informing me as I write.
Or, perhaps, it’s that I can’t talk about Descending without first speaking of Gathering… gathering up of ourselves from all the places we have scattered.
One of the foundational exercises that we practice as witchy healers in the Witchy Healer Wisdom School is the art of Gathering. At the beginning of each live call, there is a moment where I ask each person to notice whether all of them is actually there.
If so, great! They relish that.
If not (and so often, for me anyway, I’m not all there), we call ourselves back from wherever we may be … whether that is off in the future, back in the past, with another person, our ToDo list, that scenario or situation (that book or movie or podcast).
We breathe ourselves back into our bodies, requesting the help of our guides to gather up the parts of us we aren’t even aware are gone. Then, we exhale all parts of ourselves down through our tailbones into the Earth, anchoring ourselves right here, right now, exactly where we are, on Earth.
And there it is… both the Gathering and the Descending.
I guess we got there anyway. 🙂
with love,
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