I’m going to let you in on a little secret… But first…
Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a pattern in conversations with the witchy healers who have joined the Guided Case Study for Witchy Healers.
While what I’m about to tell you isn’t true for everyone in Guided, I am having this conversation often enough to warrant speaking to it directly.
What conversation?
Well, it goes something like this:
Them: “when I joined Guided, I really thought I wanted a thriving 1:1 business where I use my witchy healing skills in service of my clients. And, now I’m having second thoughts.”
Me: “tell me more.”
Them: “the more I do the work here and get really honest with myself, the more I wonder if I want to be working with people 1:1 at all! Maybe that desire is just some conditioning – something that I think I *should* want because that is how I think I’m supposed to serve as a witchy healer. But… I don’t know. I don’t feel fully aligned with that intention.”
And, the conversation continues…
Here’s the secret:
When we live a Guided life, we don’t always know where we will end up.
Maybe we think we want one thing but as we keep dropping in (to our bodies, with our guides), there are times when something unexpected is uncovered… a deeper longing that we don’t yet have words for, a path that we didn’t even know was possible.
Let me give my life as an example.
For much of early adulthood, I was quite envious of friends and acquaintances who *knew* what they wanted, who had some vision for their lives and were working towards that vision.
For some of them, they had just known since they were young that they wanted to do [x] when then grew up.
Others were the beneficiaries of potent visions from Spirit where they were shown their path and knew ‘why’ they are here and what they are here to do.
Neither was the case for me.
For me, I felt fortunate if the very next step I was to take was revealed to me. And, mostly even that wasn’t and I so very often felt as if I was flailing in the dark, taking one tentative step after the other in total darkness.
And yet, I was following desire, I was allowing myself to be Guided, initially by that thrill of ‘yes’ that I felt when I encountered something that just felt ‘right’…
Looking back from where I am now, deep within the realms of shadow work, ancestral healing, and ritual, I can more easily understand why I couldn’t see the path before me, why I didn’t have some grand vision I was working towards.
Why? Because if I had received a vision of the work I’m now doing, I would have had no context for it, no understanding of what I was seeing.
There simply wasn’t context within my Christian fundamentalist upbringing for the life I live now to make any sense to the me-of-then.
The only way for me to have ended up where I am now is through following those inner ‘yeses’, those nudgings of Spirit (even before I had any understanding that was what was happening) and through taking one (very) small step after another.
So, when a client comes to me and says they aren’t sure they actually want to work with clients 1:1, I celebrate. Yes, they entered Guided with that intention. Yes, 1:1 work may still end up being part of their path (and, it absolutely might not be).
And, if I’m truly going to facilitate a case study that is called Guided, a big part of my role is to trust and validate the guidance that my clients receive, even if (especially if) that guidance appears to be in direct contradiction to the intention of my program.
So, we celebrate.
We celebrate the mystery.
We celebrate the falling away of the ‘should’; the falling away of the acceptable path for a Witchy Healer.
We open into the unknown.
If living a Guided life calls to you, I’m here to welcome you with open arms. There is more for you in the ps. 🙂
with love,
ps. there are only two more openings in the September GUIDED case study group for witchy healers looking to attract a few more clients. To learn more, join the Witchy Healer newsletter!
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