I’ve been thinking I’d like to speak more directly about Ortho-Bionomy here. It’s the foundation for all the work I do with clients and students. More than that, Ortho-Bionomy is how I live my life.
Ortho-Bionomy isn’t just about relieving pain and building self-awareness.
Steeped in principles originating in ancient yogic traditions, Ortho-Bionomy inspires a world view where the focus is on
- mindfulness,
- respect and kindness,
- being in right relationship,
- trusting the wisdom of the body, and
- finding comfort and ease in difficult situations.
Today, I want to share with you an essay I wrote back in 2007 when I was finally completing the application process to become a registered practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy. It details a bit of my journey up to that point.
First, though, you need to know that the tagline for Ortho-Bionomy is this: the evolution of the original concept. I know, What?!?
Now, allow me to introduce Larisa from 4 years ago. She writes:
When I first heard the phrase evolution of the original concept, I was totally baffled. Just what was this ‘original concept’ and just how did it evolve?
As I continued my study of Ortho-Bionomy, I heard numerous explanations of this phrase generally in reference to the actual work of Ortho-Bionomy and how it continues to develop and evolve over time.
What I’ve come to understand on a very personal level, however, is that the original concept is me. It is me that evolves through doing and attempting to live Ortho-Bionomy.
And as I evolve, my work evolves as well.
Ah, the mental understandings – there were many!
For the first four years my relationship to Ortho-Bionomy was very mental. I loved the principles. I loved talking about them and sharing the work with others.
But, it was nearly all from a very logical place within me. There was little actual embodiment of the work.
Thankfully, evolution IS inherent in Ortho-Bionomy even for those so reliant on intellect to distance them from their bodies and emotions.
In which a dramatic event occurs…
In order to break through from the safety of mental processing to a place more centered in heartfulness and self-awareness, sometimes a dramatic event must take place.
At least for me it did. For me, it took a literal hit to the head.
Last Fall (2006) I was in the ninth year of a very stable, comfortable and fun relationship. In September, I fainted after a run, fell off the retaining wall upon which I was sitting and landed on my head.
I spent three days wondering if I was going to die from subdural bleeding, being afraid to sleep and, in general, in a total state of terror and shakiness.
Additionally, I began to question my relationship in earnest.
We weren’t married; he had great health insurance; I had none. If we were married, I could have went to the emergency room.
More than that, he was fully prepared to marry me. What was keeping me from making a similar commitment?
Obviously, something wasn’t working. My mind told me that staying in the relationship was the safe and logical thing to do. My heart argued otherwise.
In which my heart speaks.
Eight days after The Fall, I attended a residential (a week-long Ortho-Bionomy training). There, the focus was working with the internal organs and noticing any associated patterns (emotions, memories, trauma, etc).
I requested to be the person on the table for the heart demonstration because I had been experiencing heart palpitations and arrhythmia constantly since The Fall.
On the table, I had one of those core experiences that seem inherent to Ortho-Bionomy.
I saw how the person I was being was so different from the person I thought I was.
I felt how disconnected I had become from my heart, from my wellbeing and sense of self. I was devastated…and ecstatic.
Five days later…
Five days after the residential, I ended my long-term relationship and entered a period of intense unraveling which continues still.
I have never been as emotional, as chaotic, or as uncomfortable as I have been over the past 10 months.
I know that sounds very un-Ortho-Bionomic as one of the principles is ‘comfort.’
However, on what level do I want to experience comfort?
As Ortho-Bionomy instructor Bettina Seidl asks, ‘On what level do you want to be comfortable?’
Prior to the residential, I was comfortable, but it was a stagnant, unmoving comfort.
Now, my comfort comes from allowing myself to feel again and acknowledging and holding myself while in the midst of terrifying fears and insecurities.
Although it may be overwhelming at times, it is worth it because there are moments when I again have that sense of rightness, that sense of a more authentic self emerging.
And, I have Ortho-Bionomy to thank for it; both for breaking me open and for giving me the tools, the basic principles, and the mentors to help me find my way back to my Self, to find my way home.
Back to the Evolution of the Original Concept:
Now, when working with clients, it is no longer my intellect that guides the session.
As I learn to be present with and trust the sensations and flow of energy within my own body, I am able to let go and trust more and more in the inherent self-corrective abilities of my clients as well.
This breaking through to a more real experience of myself has opened me to a greater embodiment of the work.
My original concept of myself has evolved. My original concept and understanding of Ortho-Bionomy has evolved.
I have evolved.
Ok, back to present day…
Thankfully, this evolution (of both myself and my work) has continued without fail over the four years since the writing of this essay.
I no longer fear a comfort based in stagnation because I know that if I am living the principles of Ortho-Bionomy, evolution is inherent. The original concept must continue to evolve.
Comment Magic:
Thoughts? Hello’s? A story you’d like to share about your own evolution (or something similar)? I love hearing from you!
Want to experience the healing power of Ortho-Bionomy yourself? I offer healing sessions for resolution of pain and trauma, and to help you connect deeply to your body and your Self.
So helpful Larisa and honest. Oh God. Especially useful for those times (more frequent of late) when I struggle to remember how far I have come in relation to anger stuff.
Really interesting to hear more about your training too. Look forward to more of this too over time.
Thanks for this Larisa!
Hey Sweetie!
Yeah, sometimes I wish for really large signposts (or something similar) that say “Look, you are here now! *There* is where you were before. You *are* evolving!” Or, something like that.
It can be hard to track internal processes. Knowing you, though, I have absolute confidence that things will continue to shift. 🙂
This was wonderful for me to read this morning. I was in a place of not feeling comfortable emotionally. I really just wanted to curl up in a ball wrapped in ten layers of coziness and hide for eternity.
It was a perfect little reminder that not feeling comfortable is okay too. That despite my mind telling me “this is wrong!” and “fix it!” — it’s okay to just have a day (or two, or three) where things are not okay. To listen gently, be patient, and respond instead of react. Which is my lesson to learn a thousand times over.
So, thank you again.
…Oh, and thank you for taking that paralyzing pain hiding behind my left shoulder blade this past Monday and completely transforming it in one short hour. You ARE a magical woodland creature! (Funnily enough the anniversary of its namesake’s death is tomorrow.)
So beautifully said, Emily! And, very happy to hear your shoulder pain did resolve. Yay!
thanks for sharing your essay, larisa. you have a gift for articulating your life experiences and, as a result, inspiring the rest of us to reflect on the things that aren’t working in our lives. you are a shining light in this community and i am grateful to have been able to experience your healing work. xoxo
Thank you Corrine. Really appreciate your comment. 🙂
This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing, it’s amazing to read. And it’s nice to be reminded, “evolution of the original concept” is perhaps my all time favorite phrase!
Awesome. Happy to hear there is someone (you!) who resonates with the phrase from Day 1. It definitely took a while for me to appreciate it…