I’m in the middle of a pregnancy scare. As I’m typing, I’m waiting to find out either way. Fortunately, with regards to what I’m about to say, whether I am or not doesn’t matter. Let me set the scene. As many of you know, I’m married. We have one child. We actually kind of want […]
How to Work with Resistance to Self-Care (or anything)
Resistance is something I encounter every day. I experience resistance to writing, to picking up my house, to following through on intentions and resolutions, to doing things that nourish me… The list goes on and on. The topic of resistance (to various things unique to each person) is also something that often comes up in […]
When Exhaustion Wars with the Important Thing You Want to Do
I’m sitting here, supposedly writing this post for you. My nerves feel frazzled, my mind is spinning. I want to write something useful, something that will bring a little ease and comfort into your day. But, right now I’m having a really hard time accessing those qualities for myself. Totally lacking ease and comfort in […]
Sensations: Speaking the Secret Language of the Body
Today, we are going to play with speaking Sensation. Yes, it’s a language. Yes, you will be able to speak it by the end of this post. But first, why? What’s the point? Sensations are the language (the words) of our bodies. They are how our bodies communicate with us. Speaking Sensation allows us to […]
It’s Sensational! The Never-Ending List of Sensations
This is a list of sensations or words based on the five senses (taste, touch, sound, smell, sight). Sensations are a fantastic way to describe whatever is going on in your body. I’ve divided this list up into categories that kind of make sense to me. The categories are very, very loose so keep that […]