Over and over people write to me or tell me (when we speak in person) that they want to trust themselves – their bodies, their intuition, their gut. Also, the guidance they receive from Spirit. They want to know whether what they are hearing/feeling/seeing/sensing is real. They want to know “how” to discern truth from […]
The Surprising Truth About Why Healing Sessions by Skype can be More Effective than Bodywork
There’s a question that has been on mind for quite a while. The question is: What is the most empowering way to work with clients? After a session with me, I want you to leave better equipped to be an agent of your own healing. I don’t want you leave just “being healed”–I want you […]
My Headache Story
Note: my ongoing struggle with headaches is still really difficult for me to talk about. I hope that through sharing a bit of my story here, those of you who also experience chronic pain will feel a little less alone. Pain and I? We go waaaay back. Once, I tried to estimate the number of […]
The Art of Relaxed Suffering
It’s about 5 years ago. I’m in my Xin Yi (an internal martial art) class. We are in the Bow and Arrow Stance which is similar to yoga’s warrior 1 pose – or a modified lunge. The majority of our weight is centered over our front foot. We’ve been in this stance for 5-10 minutes […]
My Ortho-Bionomy Story
I’ve been thinking I’d like to speak more directly about Ortho-Bionomy here. It’s the foundation for all the work I do with clients and students. More than that, Ortho-Bionomy is how I live my life. Ortho-Bionomy isn’t just about relieving pain and building self-awareness. Steeped in principles originating in ancient yogic traditions, Ortho-Bionomy inspires a […]