Havi Brooks once described a pattern as “That thing you do that you hate.” I love that description. And, there’s more to it. Patterns aren’t just the things you do that you hate, they are everything you do. And, everything you think and feel as well. For instance: how you crack an egg. how you […]
Four Things I’ve Learned from Richard
Richard? Richard who? Richard Valasek, RN, one of the original instructors of Ortho-Bionomy and the primary facilitator of this summer’s workshop. I took my first workshop with Richard in New York City in the cold, wintry spring of 2005. In the small yoga studio where the workshop was held, he dominated the room, both physically […]
Grayness, Preferences, Making Decisions… Color!
It’s January. It’s gray. It’s dreary. Is your mood reflecting the weather? Do you feel gloomy, lost, confused, unfocused? Are you having a hard time making decisions or knowing what really matters to you? If so, you are in the right place. Let’s start with a story. Just prior to the holidays, I had so […]
The Phases of Ortho-Bionomy: Bringing You Home
The Phases (or Moods) of Ortho-Bionomy are the key to the depth and healing potential of this work. However, I’ve yet to read a really clear, fairly concise explanation of what they are or how they feel. So, here’s my experiential explanation of the phases from two perspectives: both as a practitioner of this system […]
A Brief Introduction to this Thing Called Ortho-Bionomy
You’ve often heard, I’ll bet, that all healing comes from within and that your body knows exactly how to heal itself. But, have you ever experienced bodywork where the primary focus is to assist you in reconnecting with your own innate ability to heal? No? Well, meet Ortho-Bionomy®! History of Ortho-Bionomy: Arthur Lincoln Pauls, British […]