Spring Equinox Celebration!
A Virtual Equinox Ritual
Note: this event has passed. To be notified of upcoming events like this one, subscribe to the Tending the Sacred newsletter. Thank you!
As the days gradually lengthen, the earth warms and we enter into a season of growth and new life. The spring equinox, when the hours of daylight once again equal the hours of darkness, offers a moment to pause, shed the dormancy/stillness of winter, and prepare to enter into a new phase of life and a new season of you.
Do you
- crave time to pause, to align with the natural world, and to recharge?
- love celebrating the seasons in a ritual way with like-minded others?
If so, I warmly invite you to join me for a virtual spring equinox ritual!
Within the space of 75 minutes, we will dive deep into ritual, allowing ourselves to receive the gift of being held and nourished by the balancing medicine of the vernal (spring) equinox.
Virtual Spring Equinox Ritual Details
When: Friday, March 20, 2020 from 10:30-11:45am Pacific
Where: online via Zoom
How: you will receive the call-in details once you register below
Will the ritual be recorded? Yes. If you are unable to attend live, you will receive a link to the replay following the ritual.
Note: While I will be live on video (over Zoom) you are not required to be on video or to share (unless you desire to – which is also welcome).
Basically, just show up and allow yourself to be held and nourished for a bit over an hour.
Yes! Sign me up!
Note: this event has passed. To be notified of upcoming events like this one, subscribe to the Tending the Sacred newsletter. Thank you!
Once you enter your name/email address, you will be taken to paypal to complete the payment.
If you are registering via your phone, type in the amount from $5-25 ($5, $10, $15, $20, or $25) that you want to pay and then click the button to complete payment and registration.
Spring is a time of transition.
And of new growth. Like the leaves that will soon be unfurling from the trees, you may find yourself in a time of growth and renewal as well.
In this moment of perfect light/dark balance, we have the opportunity to awaken fully from our winter dreaming and unfurl into what is new and most alive in us and in our lives.
- What visions have you been tending through the darkness of winter that are now ready to burst into light/life?
- Who are you being asked to become in order to meet the times we are now entering?
- How might your well and loving ancestors support you in unfurling into a more alive and engaged version of you?
- What might you discover through devoting 75 minutes to being in ritual celebration with your well ancestors?
Ritually, the spring equinox offers a potent time to pause and to spend a moment together in sacred space. It offers the medicine of celestial balance that, if we can a moment to receive it, can bring increased balance and harmony into our human bodies and lives as well.
What will the virtual equinox ritual involve?
The ritual will begin with a non-dogmatic invocation/prayer. From there, we will take a moment to greet our well ancestors and make some offerings to the earth. Next, we will enter into a drum journey where you can sink deeply into, be held by, and align with the Medicine of the Spring Equinox. Finally, we will spend a few minutes in reflection via free-writing to allow all that we’ve experienced to land a bit more deeply into our bodies, minds, and hearts.
Sound good?
Yay! I can’t wait to be in ritual with you!
Yes! Sign me up!
Note: this event has passed. To be notified of upcoming events like this one, subscribe to the Tending the Sacred newsletter. Thank you!
Once you enter your name/email address plus the amount you want to pay, you will be taken to paypal to complete the payment.
Again, if you are registering via your phone, type in the amount from $5-25 ($5, $10, $15, $20, or $25) that you want to pay and then click the button to complete payment and registration.
Please note – this is a ritual which means I won’t be doing much teaching/explaining (although your questions will be welcome). Instead, we will truly be entering sacred space together. I highly recommend setting aside time to show up fully with your attention undivided so you can sink fully into ritual space. If isn’t possible for you to show up in this way for the live event, do know that these events are just as potent via the recording. Totally fine/good to wait to participate until you are able to devote your full attention/energy to being in ritual space.
About Larisa:
Larisa Noonan has specialized for nearly two decades in trauma healing, embodiment skills, and supporting healthy boundaries. She is a certified ancestral lineage healing practitioner and weaves ritual and nature reconnection into all of her offerings. She is passionate about supporting grief and loss, recovery from religious fundamentalism, and those with chronic pain/illness. Larisa lives with her husband and son in Oregon on the ancestral homelands of the Kalapuyan peoples. Her ancestors are from France, the Netherlands via Ukraine, Germany, and Switzerland. She grounds her work/life in earth-honoring ritual, embodying ancestral gifts, and reclaiming animist values. For more info see: www.larisanoonan.com
ps. For me, there is nothing better than entering sacred space and going deep into the nourishing energies of the changing seasons with other Persons of Spirit. I can’t wait to be in ritual with you.
pps. I’d so appreciate it if you’d share this event with your friends. More nourishment for everyone, please!
Praise (specific to these virtual rituals):

Thank you so much for today. Wow! It was very powerful for me.
The whole situation was amazing!! When I signed up for this virtual ritual I did not know how I’d do it as I am living with my friends. Everyone was out that day and even the flower petals were provided from their garden. So beautiful!
Water Spirit is SO special for me and that really came through during this ritual. Balance and buoyant support. I felt drawn to salt rather than honey, and I knew not why. In ritual I understood that Salt Water supported my life when there were no adults there to see me through as a child. Such beauty! And salt provided my sweetness.
My dear friend in Japan died a few days ago. There were prayers on flower petals for her journey too. So much richness.
I could go on and on, instead I will say thank you.
Great love.

For folks who may not have access to an in-person ritual this (virtual ritual) is a very good option. I appreciate Larisa's positive regard for all and her ability to have language at her finger tips to keep a wider perspective open. The timber of her voice is calming, soothing, and encouraging.
Additionally, thanks to my ongoing work with Larisa I now know there is hope. My ancestors are real and very important in my life. Further, I understand that it is a process to break down the barriers in my body from so many generations of ignoring them. Larisa always has a next step and I so appreciate her diligence, loveliness, and ingenuity.

You offer an incredible safe space. I actually know no other person who does this in this deep way. I feel welcomed with all I am without any pressure from your side. This means a lot. You are fantastic. Much love to you x
Photo credit: Image by cocoparisienne.
I’ll be facilitating this ritual from my home on the traditional homelands of the Kalapuya – with gratitude.