“Now I can just rest, I can just rest inside of myself”
I’ve had my eyes opened around the extreme white western theology I’ve been embedded within my whole life, and have had a huge layer of ignorance pulled off- thinking that is just how it is.
A big realization is around how much of the rest of the world is immersed in the understanding of ancestors and animism. It’s like living in a whole different world, and waking up to the reality of ‘ok, I’m a piece of this but…’
It’s been a meaningful piece of a profound identity shift for me… Now I know I can just rest, I can just rest inside of myself and not have to follow this mythology of the individual, and leadership, and all this bullshit I’ve been fed my whole life around white supremacy and white supremacist mythology. And it feels comforting to be surrounded and in community with like-minded others.