Unite Your Will
and Thrive as a Witchy Healer
There are three keys to creating a Spirit-Guided business and thriving as a witchy healer.
The first key is having a United Will.
But, what does that mean?
As you’ve found your way to this page, I’m going to assume there is something you desire in your business as a witchy healer that hasn’t yet happened.
While there can be many reasons for ‘why’ something you desire hasn’t happened, one common reason is that your will isn’t fully united in the desiring of that [something].
ie: part of you desperately wants it; another part of you is standing in opposition to that desire.
In order to actually achieve what you desire, all of you must be on board.
Your will must be united.
I can help with that!

(a self-study course)
What’s included:
-6 bite sized audio/text lessons including orientation, lineage, reassurances, and taking the process deeper
in addition to the:
-2 guided (audio) warm-up/preparatory exercises
-the Unite Your Will guided process (~30min – audio)
-journaling and reflection questions (to prepare and to help integrate the unite my will process)
How much? $165
Through this course, you will:
- identify areas in your life where you are experiencing an internal conflict: and
- engage a process to unite your will in service of that which you most desire.
How might you know if you are experiencing internal conflict? Well, one very good test is to think about things you want but that haven’t happened.
- Is your business bringing in the money you want?
- Are new clients consistently entering your witchy world?
- Are your intimate, familial, and/or collegial relationships supportive, loving, and/or appropriately challenging?
- Is there something that you have longed to create, to do, to learn but you just haven’t found the time or the resources or the courage to actually make it happen?
Reflecting on these questions is likely to bring to mind something that you desire that has not yet happened … which often points to an internal conflict or a divided will.
The purpose of this course is to unite your will in service of that which you desire.
Who is this workshop for? I’m so glad you asked!
You are most likely to benefit from this workshop if you:
- can feel things (sensations) in your body;
- are willing to engage your imagination and trust what you perceive/make up;
- understand (or are willing to engage a ‘let’s fuck around and find out’ attitude) the value of symbols and how they work with and through the unconscious mind;
- have something in your life that you desire but that hasn’t happened (or not quite in the way you want) and you are curious about what is holding you back;
- are willing to entertain the belief (at least briefly; for the sake of this workshop) that all parts of you are utterly in love with you even if the way they demonstrate that love is at times unskillful and perhaps even detrimental.
And, of course, if you desire to unite your will and become an ever more powerful force for love and wholeness in the world, this course is absolutely for YOU!
Frequently asked questions:
Do you offer refunds? No. I trust you to trust your ‘yes’ (and your ‘no’).
How will the course be delivered? Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a link to create an account with ThriveCart Learn where this course is homed.
How long will it take me to complete this course? Many people complete this course in about 90 minutes of dedicated time. Once you complete the course, you will have a new skill you can use any time you are feeling stuck, paralyzed, or experiencing indecision or internal conflict of any sort. Uniting Your Will is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
Sound good? Purchase here.
“This course was so powerful and wonderful. I got so much value. Super grateful for this new practice.”
“This exercise helped me understand and value my NO and move beyond thinking of it as an obstruction to progress.”
“I was procrastinating a painting project which I brought to our united will process. After the meditation, I was excited to experience the beauty of the finished project. Today was the day to do the project and I ended up having alot of fun, listened to a good audio book and kitty walked around on the window sill near wet paint and got some on her adorable whiskers. Everything was in flow, no resistance at all 😊.”
“Thank you so much for this course, it was a beautiful experience.”
“So, I finally united my will about receiving more clients. I realized my ‘no’ was protecting me from being hurt by clients. I discovered lots of pain around things like them not showing up, not paying me, making excuses, even ghosting me. I wasn’t expecting this at all! It never ceases to amaze me how perfect these processes are.”
“Larisa, thank you for the course, I had a night of amazing dreams!”
“Larisa, this was an incredible course. I am going to be repeating this process for the rest of my goals :)”
About me, Larisa Noonan.
(La-REE-sa Noo-Nan) I grew up afraid of burning in Hell. Now I spend my days supporting witchy healers, many (although most definitely not all) who grew up as I did, in fundamentalist Christian homes.
As an Existential Kink shadow work coach, ancestral healer, and ritualist, I am passionate about using my skills in service of helping witchy healers create Spirit-Guided businesses.
My ancestors are from France, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands via Ukraine; I lives with my husband and son on the ancestral homelands of the Q’lispe (Kalispel) tribe in Sandpoint, ID.
I no longer fear burning in Hell.