Why are embodiment and boundaries so important for witchy healers?
As a witchy healer, you walk between worlds.
You are as likely to have a meaningful conversation with a Tree Person as with a living human person.
You are constantly receiving information (whether consciously or unconsciously) that might not be so readily accessible to others.
In order to:
- not be entirely blown out by all of the feelings, emotions, images, and mental messages/input you are constantly receiving and
- to enact positive and beneficial change both in your life and in the lives of those you serve,
you must be in your body (embodiment).
And, you must be able to exercise discernment and choice regarding who and what you allow into both your energetic, mental and emotional space (boundaries).
As witchy healers, we seek to bring all of the spiritual insight and healing that we have access to INTO this tangible world. Our bodies are the physical conduits through which more healing, love, and insight becomes accessible here, in this 3-dimensional reality.
Introducing the Embodiment and Boundaries Starter Course – A Bite-Sized Course Offering Full-Sized Results for Witchy Healers
What’s included:
-75 min audio replay of Class 1 from the Embodiment, Boundaries, and the Ancestors full course
-the Dissolving Overwhelm with Owl ebook including:
-two guided audio exercises
-journaling and reflection questions (to prepare and to help integrate the audio lesson)
-Articles: The Power of Yes, Your Space; Shared Space, and Your Body Is A House. Are You Home?
How will the course be delivered? Upon receipt of your payment, a beautiful 31 pg pdf including all of the above will arrive in your inbox.
How much? $100
Do you offer refunds? No. I trust you to trust your ‘yes’ (and your ‘no’).
What if I’m not a witchy healer? You are still likely to benefit from this course as what I teach here can be applied to all aspects of life.
What if I want the entire Embodiment, Boundaries, and The Ancestors course? The full course is available HERE. What I offer in this starter kit will give you a wonderful foundation in my approach to embodiment/boundaries while also allowing you to experience how I teach prior to making a bigger commitment. Having offered just this class numerous times (as a solo offer; both online and in-person), I’ve seen the incredible insight and life-changes that are possible through this class alone and am stoked for you to experience the same!
We are not on a journey of enlightenment and healing that requires us to leave our physical bodies behind.
Rather, we are on a journey of incarnating fully, of realizing the truth of love and healing through our physical bodies, through our embodied voices, through our hands and our hearts.
We do not travel out of our bodies to some upper or lower world (not that this isn’t possible and also a reality; it’s just not the way I work) to encounter Spirit and to receive guidance and healing from the Unseen realms.
No, we sink even deeper into our bodies, into felt connection with the Earth and listen, feel, and receive through our senses, through our physical bodies.
If you are seeking a life and business that is (even more) rooted in Earth and guided by Spirit, embodiment and boundaries is where it all starts.
Sound good? Purchase here.

The work with Larisa is always deep, layered and full of integrity.
I am weaving her practices into my daily life now out of necessity as much as anything else. I have had direct personal experiences of working with my guides to help clear issues out of my auric field/my space before but I didn't really take my own approach seriously. The seriousness with which Larisa takes her work really made me stand up and take notice and commit to this practice more seriously and with an added benefit of slowing my own way of working down. Again, something I have needed to do but not really felt willing or ready up until now.
Larisa is a clear, soothing presence and ally to have on your side teaching and sharing her tools with us. If you have poor boundaries or are aware that you are an empath or a hyper-sensitive person then this work may well be just what you are looking for. Heartily recommended.

I am so grateful to have found such a wise, nurturing and intuitive guide in Larisa to help me move to a different level with my emotional issues. She gives such a richness and depth so that in addition to understanding what I want to change, I feel like I now have tools to actually embody those changes and to put me on a path towards wholeness.

As a practitioner who holds space for other people, and as a sensitive and emotional person myself, I feel I can always use more sturdy and dependable boundaries.
As a community song leader, and as a person who has at times been overly intellectual and dissociative as a way to handle old traumas, I am keenly interested in embodiment.
I knew that Larisa would have a unique and tender way of putting these topics together with Ancestral support that I wanted to experience. I was right, and the techniques I learned and support I cultivated in this class have become more or less daily companions for me, as well as go-to processes I use with clients.
What I didn’t know was how powerful Larisa’s ability is in tending a non-local container. I felt an astonishing amount of support while I was in her online class, and my visions and journeys under her guidance were utterly palpable and unforgettable.