Question: What is one of the most prevalent and least talked about things that gets in the way of witchy healers seeking new clients?
Answer: the pattern of fundamentalism.
For witchy healers who grew up in a fundamentalist household or culture*, becoming free of this patterning of judgement, fear of punishment, and a stark black/white view of the world can be a life-long journey.
*fundamentalist household or culture… which is, as I see it, most of us these days.
The first steps towards being free of this pattern is to gain awareness around how much this pattern is still controlling you and your life.
A simple way to increase your awareness of this pattern is to subscribe to the Witchy Healer newsletter and take my What Stops You? assessment.
Plus, when you subscribe, you will receive invites to the GUIDED case study for witchy healers seeking new clients – currently only available to newsletter subscribers. 🙂
Register now to take the assessment and discover just how much the pattern of fundamentalism is at play in your life!
Once you enter your contact details, you will:
- receive access to the quiz plus my Healing Fundamentalism ebook directly in your inbox; and
- be added to my Witchy Healer newsletter list (yes, you can unsubscribe at any time and no, I won’t share your information).
About the assessment and Healing Fundamentalism ebook:
Over the years of working with witchy healers I’ve witnessed so many gifted healers, artists, writers simply fade away as their fear of being seen in their gifts combines with their dislike of ‘how’ they are taught to market their witchy work.
What most fail to understand is how their fear of being seen and their dislike of ‘gross’ and sleazy marketing tactics points 1) to their humanity and, even less likely to be acknowledged, to 2) the fundamentalist culture in which they are embedded.
A culture in which there is ONE right way to do [anything] and if you don’t do it right, if you don’t do it perfectly, you run the risk of being punished, ostracized, cancelled.
When you combine these fundamentalist cultural beliefs with the historical reality that witchy ones were harmed or killed because of their witchy ways, wanting to hide away and be invisible and NOT thrive as a witchy healer becomes very very understandable.
Taking the assessment offers a powerful glimpse into how the pattern of fundamentalism is impacting whether or not you thrive as a witchy healer taking into consideration categories of boundaries, visibility, relationships/conflict and more.
The ebook takes you deep into how I view fundamentalism including steps into freedom.
Combined they offer a powerful next step in both gaining additional awareness of how the pattern of fundamentalism is unfolding in your life AND, through this awareness, beginning to dismantle this pattern.
Again, you will automatically receive this ebook and a link to access the quiz in your inbox once you subscribe.