NOTE: Ambling sessions are currently only available to 1) those enrolled in one of my ongoing programs (The Witchy Healer Wisdom School or the Witchy Healer Mentorship Program) and 2) colleagues and trainees in the Ancestral Medicine network.
I do occasionally make exceptions for those who have worked with me in-depth in the past. Otherwise, if you are interested in working with me, I warmly invite you to read about the above programs and then reach out for a (free) consultation.
Currently, working 1:1 with me requires a 6-month commitment. I love this approach as it allows for incredible depth of transformation and healing for my clients. However, with this approach I can only work with a limited number of people at a time and working in this way is not accessible to everyone.
While I will be continuing to offer very limited in-depth 1:1 work through a 6-month commitment, I’m going to try out something new as well.
Introducing: Ambling Sessions!
Ambling sessions are 1-hour private sessions that take place via the phone while I’m ambling around my neighborhood or local park (or sitting in my backyard or in my living room drinking tea).
You might use your Ambling Session to…
…talk though and practice boundary work; do the next piece of ancestral lineage healing; learn more about ancestral healing or embodiment and boundaries as it relates to you and your lineages and your life experiences.
Or, perhaps you simply want to experience working with me without needing to commit to a 6-month program.
An Ambling Session could be a good fit if you are:
- in the Ancestral Medicine online course, reading the book, or have participated in a 3-day Ancestral Lineage Healing Intensive and would like some guidance/support or to ask questions specific to your experience
- stuck in your lineage healing work and want some support moving through the stuckness
- experiencing difficulty with boundaries (with living people and/or with your ancestors or other non-helpful energies)
- confused about what embodiment is and would like some help around that
- becoming aware of challenging or painful themes/patterns running through your life and/or your lineages and would like someone to talk it through with who can provide some insight and guidance with regards to your next step
- a past 1:1 program client and would like some specific support/guidance without committing to another six months of in-depth healing/mentoring.
- an Ancestral Medicine colleague or trainee seeking additional support (perhaps working with the pattern of fundamentalism within yourself/your lineages, with your business, a specific theme or question or situation that has arisen, etc etc)
How Ambling Sessions differ from normal 1:1 work with me:
- no commitment required; we can talk once only and that is perfect. Or, you can sign up for additional Ambling Sessions as wanted/needed. It’s all up to you.
- You take your own notes and/or record the session. In my 6-month programs, I take detailed notes to send you plus meticulously track what is unfolding in your life and lineages. That isn’t the case here. We just show up together and do the work that is needed in the moment.
- I won’t read things you send me prior to the call*. I’m offering these sessions as a way to make 1:1 work with me more accessible while cutting back on screen time for myself. If you need to send me an email describing what is happening in your life or what you hope to receive in the session, that is not an Ambling Session and I kindly direct you to the Witchy Healer Wisdom School or to my 6-month programs where updates are encouraged/expected and I respond within 24-48 hours (M-F).
- If you’d like to send me a brief update following the session, that is welcome! I’ll respond with a heart (or three) so you know I’ve read/witnessed.
- There are currently 6-8 Ambling Sessions available/month and once they are gone, they are gone.
In brief, for Ambling Sessions, you simply choose your appointment time, pay for the session, and then call me at the appointed time. That’s it.
*If you can’t call me and would like to meet via zoom (audio), DO reach out to me and let me know that! I’ll send you a link a few minutes prior to your session.

"So far, I've journeyed through two Ambling Sessions with Larisa. I found these offerings to be very beneficial during a particular phase of my ancestral lineage repair work, along with additional forgiveness-and-releasing/
As I was already in a formal structure of learning and ritual, the Ambling Sessions were an ideal choice for auxiliary support--it was as if Larisa were my 'ancestral coach,' cheering me on, inviting me at any moment to honor my intuition to cry, laugh, sit with ... allow. I've also had a recent opportunity to join one of her online, ritual offerings (Spring Equinox), which was a beautiful opportunity to be in a virtual, Earth-and-ancestral honoring community. I am truly grateful for my work with Larisa, thus far!"
Here are all the details in brief:
What: Ambling Sessions – 1:1 healing sessions while I amble around my neighborhood or sit in the sun in my backyard (or sip tea all cozy-ed up on my couch).
Where: phone (if unable to call to the United States, we’ll meet via Zoom audio – drop me a note to let me know you need a link).
Who: you? you!
Why: to make 1:1 work more accessible (for you) while cutting back on screen time and spending more time in the great outdoors (for me).
Reminder: if you are currently enrolled in WHWS, follow the link there to schedule. If you are an Ancestral Medicine colleague or trainee seeking support, reach out to me directly.
Thank you! I’m so looking forward to ambling with you.
Giving Credit:
These sessions are inspired by the Puttering Sessions of the brilliant Tad Hardgrave of
Sessions offered with gratitude while ambling on the traditional lands of the Kalapuya people.