Heal the Wounds of the Past
Find Purpose, Magic, and Belonging
Note: I offer this online course 1-2 times/year. To be notified when it returns, join the Tending the Sacred newsletter – sign up in the footer.
The unresolved pain and trauma flowing from our ancestors to us keeps us stuck, in pain, lost, unable to know our gifts and fully live our purpose.
These wounds from the past have painful, burdensome impact on our lives in the present. Through ancestral lineage healing work we resolve these wounds and become the beneficiaries of the wisdom, strength, love and the full gifts of our lineage. The burdens are transformed into blessings.
You and Your Ancestors
- What: four 1.5-hour live classes + one 90-minute bonus Q&A class and supplemental material to support your embodiment of the work.
- When:
- Mondays from 10:00-11:30am PST beginning January 28, 2019
- Find your time here.
- Where: virtual via zoom – online or by phone in the comfort of your home (the classes will be recorded).
- The Investment:
To register, fill out the form below. When you click ‘register and pay’ you will be taken to paypal to complete the payment process. Once I’ve received your payment, you will receive a welcome email from me in your inbox – generally within a matter of moments. 🙂
I’m in!
I offer this class 1-2 times/year. To be notified when it returns, join the Tending the Sacred newsletter – sign up in the footer.
*Talk with me if you need flexibility; I’m committed to keeping this work accessible. Seriously. Just reach out and we’ll talk!
Healing the wounds of the past happens through engaging in lineage healing work with our ancient, wise, deeply well ancestors. The result is the transformation of the pain and trauma held in our more recent lineages along with the reclaiming of the blessings and gifts.
In our first week together, you will cultivate skills that allows for positive, beneficial ancestral engagement. From there, you will step confidently through the first two steps of the ancestral lineage healing model developed by Dr. Daniel Foor.
If you’ve already made contact with your ancestors, the skills you will learn will ensure that contact is healthy and loving. Plus, you will learn how to discern whether or not this is the case and how to set appropriate boundaries as needed.
Week 1: Embodiment and Boundaries
A foundation in embodiment, personal energy management, and boundaries sets the groundwork from which to engage in lineage healing work. This is the intention for week one.
We will practice:
- Gently becoming present in our environments and in our bodies.
- Skills that will enhance our natural intuitive abilities.
- Practices to help us return to calm if we become overwhelmed, anxious, or scared at any point during the work.
- Noticing how are bodies feel when we are safe (whether in ritual or daily life) and how a felt sense of safety naturally enhances our intuitive abilities.
- Steps to take (when needed) to restore personal safety.
Further, we will focus specifically on why boundaries are necessary when working with the ancestors including distinguishing between concrete and energetic forms of boundaries.
Weeks 2 and 3: Ancestral Framework + Lineage Assessment + Initiate Contact with Older Ancestral Guides
Weeks two and three are the heart of this course. Over these two modules, we will engage steps one and two of the five-step lineage healing process developed by Dr. Daniel Foor.
During week two, we will cover:
- Who are the Ancestors + why it is beneficial and necessary to consciously engage with them.
- How to identify inter-generational patterns of pain and trauma.
- The role your ancestors play in the continuation of these unhealthy patterns AND in shifting/healing them.
- Why nothing you’ve tried so for has worked to shift/heal these patterns.
- The five steps of Ancestral Lineage Healing as taught by Dr. Daniel Foor.
From there, we will drop in an embodied visioning space and assess the health and vitality of each of our primary ancestral lines.
We will note the level of impact each line is having on our lives and the lives of our families (children in particular), learn to discern and clear our personal space of any non-beneficial ancestral energies and establish and reinforce boundaries as needed with regards to any heavy or disruptive energies coming from the not-yet-fully well ones of our lineages.
In week three, we will engage the ancestral lineage healing process directly:
- Choose a lineage of focus for healing.
- Make contact with older ancestral guides and receive blessings for our lives.
- Initiate a healing prayer for the not-yet-well generations to become free from the burdens (the pain/trauma) that flow to you via your lineage.
- Begin to know/see your gifts/strengths within the context of your lineage.
- Receive homework that will strengthen and support the healing that is happening.
Additionally, we’ll talk in more depth about how to do vision work from a place of embodied safety, the various ways deep listening, or visioning, can occur (no two people ‘hear’ or ‘see’ in exactly the same way) and how to trust what you are sensing.
Week 4: Altars and Offerings + Anchoring the Wisdom of the Ancestors in Daily Life
In week four we will:
- Create an ancestral altar (following the guidance of your Ancestors) + talk about why this can be beneficial.
- Make offerings + discuss types of possible offerings.
- Learn to relate with the healthy ancestors from a respectful/humble yet empowered stance.
- Craft a consistent, sustainable, spirit-guided spiritual practice.
- Anchor this work in your daily life moving forward.
Additional support:
- 90-min live Q&A class following the completion of classes 1-4 where you can ask me anything and receive mentoring specific to your situation and your lineages
- Excerpts from the Sacred Self-Care Guidebook
- Supplemental materials and resources relevant to each week’s teachings and embodied practices
- Private community forum where you can share what you are noticing, ask questions, and receive additional support
The Investment:
To register, fill out the form below. When you click ‘register and pay’ you will be taken to paypal to complete the payment process. Once I’ve received your payment, you will receive a welcome email from me in your inbox – generally within a matter of moments. 🙂
I’m ready!
I offer this class 1-2 times/year. To be notified when it returns, join the Tending the Sacred newsletter – sign up in the footer.*Talk with me if you need flexibility; I’m committed to keeping this work accessible.
ps. I’ve received so many gifts through this work – gifts I didn’t even know were possible for me. I know equal or even more gifts are in store for you.
About Larisa and this course:
La-REE-sa – she/her. My ancestors are from France, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands. I specialize in embodiment skills, ancestral lineage healing, and Sacred Self-Care to help you restore and tend your connection to your body, to nature, and to Spirit. My work bridges body, mind, and spirit and leads to the integration of past pain and the embodiment of wholeness, peace, belonging, and purpose.
About this course + acknowledgement of my teachers:
Nearly 20 years of body-centered (somatic) trauma resolution work and embodiment practices combined with close to a decade of ritual and ancestral healing work (initially under the guidance of Malidoma Somé and now Daniel Foor) informs the creation and offering of this course.
I will be guiding this course from my home in Salem, Oregon, the ancestral lands of the Kalapuyan peoples.

So many of the issues I have are around boundaries and feeling like I have the right to be me. That I can be all of me, that me as I am is enough, that my choices and preferences and needs are valid.
It was really helpful to put some space between myself and the ancestral energies so I can exist as a separate entity. It's the difference between having a conscious relationship with each of them on my terms vs being pulled apart by all their various dysfunctions.
Also, it relieves me of the task of trying to find the roots of these things in my own psyche, a search that was getting to be less and less fruitful. Finally, it was interesting to focus on the energetic feeling of them rather than just the stories I know of them, because the stories could only give me a kind of intellectual understanding but not the visceral feeling I had through this work.

Larisa's gifts, I feel, are precisely the salve needed in this culture at this time. She holds a great deal of power with such gentleness. She is very grounded, rooted, present. She works with a great deal of compassion and empathy. A sweetness comes through her work, which is so soothing.
Larisa is very connected spiritually and also is able to translate that through in very practical ways. She is able to hold space in sessions, making way for a person's gifts to flourish. She's an extraordinary listener. I highly recommend Larisa. Working with Larisa brings about growth, healing, an increase of self love. Her medicine, I believe, is made of love.

When I first worked with Larisa I was clouded with confusion. I was not sure what to expect, as I had never worked with a method like this before, and the results were incredibly useful. The process was fun, powerful, and unique.
I received important guidance and experienced immediate shifts in my life and work and highly recommend Larisa’s powerful work to women looking for clarity in any area of life.
What makes her different than others is that she has a deep presence that is very comforting. I can feel that she is listening deeply. When I am around her, I don't feel the need to create small talk, I know I can simply speak my truth in that moment and it will be met. Plus, I really trust that she is tuned into nature and Spirit in a deep way and that is comforting as well.

You're a very powerful healer Larisa. Thank you for creating such a strong, loving container for me to work in. It's amazing how much better I feel being able to explore these issues with you. I didn't expect to receive so many good things so quickly. I feel much safer AND I feel more courage.
Previously I saw spiritual practice as time spent away from what I wanted to do. Now I understand I get better results when I'm coming from a place that is connected to Spirit and to my Ancestors.
I move through the world with an open heart, with a lot more love. I find it really easy to talk to people now because that's the place I'm coming from. I just seem to be in a place of appreciation all the time. Even when others are doing things that aren't right for me - I can still appreciate that it is right for them and this feels really good.