Your healing sessions are unique.
Primarily, I appreciate your truly holistic approach. The word “holistic” is thrown around a lot in the healing profession, but your work truly embodies it in the sense that you look at the whole picture, on each level: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.
When you check in with me at the beginning of each session, I feel that you are deeply listening to what is up for me on each of those levels, and that you apply what you have heard directly to the work you do with me during the session.
I also appreciate your kind, compassionate nature. And, you have a breadth of knowledge in spiritual matters as well as physical that I admire.
After a session I feel calm, centered, and reconnected to my body.
The suggestions you offer for “homework” or things to do between sessions are always helpful and practical.
Since we have been working together — a year and a half now — I have come to some pivotal insights about my connection to my body and Spirit that have helped me to move through significant blocks in my own healing and issues with chronic pain.