Greetings and welcome! I’m so glad you are here.
Before you proceed further with enrolling in the Witchy Healer Wisdom School or even just browsing this site, I invite you to take a moment to read through the following.
As you do, you will gain a strong knowing of whether my work and the Witchy Healer Wisdom School is a fit for you. If not, that’s great information and I wish you all goodness in finding what is a fit for you. If the school IS what you are looking for, wonderful! Yay!
Alright, here we go…
The Witchy Healer Wisdom School might be a fit for you if you are:
- horrified when you see good people shaming, shunning, cancelling, calling out, labeling other good people on social media (or in real life) as a first resort or because they offer a different perspective.
- willing to consider the efficacy of an approach or perspective based on these criteria:
1) Is it life enhancing – not just yours but does it enhance all life, human and other-than-human included?
2) Is it sustainable – again, taking into considering our other-than-human kin and future generations?
3) Does it work – not, can it be proven to work; rather, do you notice in your body/life tangible, beneficial change? - willing to lean into these three phrases:
“I don’t know”
“I have this thought (and it might be wrong)…”
“I’m noticing [these sensations] in my body…”
…even in (especially in) situations where you absolutely know you/your perspective is right (and those who think/believe differently are wrong). - willing to, as per Charles Eisenstein’s teachings, practice seeing others through ‘generous eyes’ and be curious about ‘what is it like to be you?’ and ‘who am I if I believe [X].’
If you are aligned with these first four, please continue…
We Are Likely To Get Along Well If You:
- are highly sensitive and/or empathic and want to ground these gifts in your life in a truly integrated and beneficial way;
- want to be (know you are) a bridge between Earth/matter and Spirit
- know that you are alive, in these times, for a reason and that your specific gifts/skills are needed. You are ready to claim, embody, and live your gifts/purpose in a much bigger way.
- allow yourself to be touched deeply by the beauty of the Earth – by the feel of sun on your face, the sound of the wind in the trees, seeing a flower opening…
- crave a very grounded, embodied, practical approach to ritual/ceremony and working with Spirit… You aren’t into the framework of ‘all is love/light’ and know, perhaps from personal experience, that there is more to this universe than love/light.
- are connected enough to your body to be able to track physical sensations (with help initially perhaps)
- aren’t afraid to cry or grieve (or are willing to cultivate this necessary skill)
We Might Get Along Really Well If You:
- have grief for the state of the world and can be brought to your knees in grief for the state of the world/Earth. You want to show up more in service of the Earth and healing without losing or sacrificing yourself in the process.
- talk with trees. And plants, and stones, and animals…
- are fascinated/obsessed with the intersections of healing+trauma+nature connection+Spirit+grief and read books like Gabor Maté’s In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts and When the Body Says No; Bessel Van der Kolk’s The Body Keeps the Score; Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine; Rasmaa Manakam’s My Grandmother’s Hands; Daniel Foor’s book on Ancestral Medicine. Also books like Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and Coyote’s Guide to Mentoring by Jon Young; Malidoma Somé’s Of Water and Spirit; Tom Brown Jr’s Grandfather; Martin Prechtel’s The Smell of Rain of Dust.
- have a nerdy side: Have a love of fantasy/sci-fi books and television series like Firefly, Torchwood, Sherlock, LOTR, The OA, and also, historical fiction like The Boudica series, the Maeve Chronicles, or darker stories like the Kushiel series perhaps…
- might be found volunteering to clean up rivers/wetland, count migratory birds, plant trees/native plants or hanging out at nature connection or ancestral skills events, or art/local handmade crafts fairs/festivals.

“It feels so foundational… To have a safe place to talk about these things.”
This is the first group of people I've found who have similar beliefs to me. I live in the world of psychology that is very western and shitty in many ways and then I have my beliefs that would lead some to want me to go to a mental hospital. It is so good to have people who I can be myself with.
This whole experience of feeling the presence of my ancestors or showing something to them or calling on them or recognizing that this guide is stepping forward right now… you are the only people I can talk to about this, who know about this and know that it is important. It feels so foundational... To have a safe place to talk about these things.
The Witchy Healer Wisdom School is NOT a good fit for you if you:
- Don’t buy the ancestor thing: You are unwilling to entertain the possibility that unwell ancestors and intergenerational trauma might be at the root of your difficulty with being visible, powerful, and bringing your witchy healing gifts fully into the world.
- Support cancel culture: You actively participate in (or non-actively support or even simply have no issues with) call-out or cancel culture – the shaming, shunning, canceling of another as a first resort.
- Are committed to being ‘right’ (and imposing that rightness) anywhere: Hold firm to the belief that the way you see/do things (from food choices, to religion, to politics, to views in either/any direction on the issues of the day such as masks, mandates, and/or vaccines…) are correct/right/The Truth. This work is rooted in undoing the rigid, judgemental, dogmatic, black/white patterns that keep us caged (and that we place around others). Unless you are here to actively work with these patterns in yourself, holding a black/white view on (anything) will interfere with this process. Humility, vulnerability, courage, respect, and the willingness to be open to other perspectives are all necessary for this work.
- Need someone available on weekends: I respond to email and community posts/private messages within 48-hrs (often much sooner) M-F 9-3. If you need someone to be available evenings and weekends, this program isn’t for you.
- Want someone who will track you down if you don’t show up for the live calls: It is your responsibility to engage the self-study courses and to show up (and/or listen to the replays of the live calls). If you want to experience the benefits I’ve outlined, you will need to structure your life in a way that allows you show up consistently.
- Are looking for a guru: If you want someone to tell you what to do, how to live your life, what your next step is, then this school isn’t for you. I don’t have your answers; I’m not a guru; I’m not even much of a teacher. My skills lie in facilitating a space where you can lean into the wisdom of your body and your ancestors/Spirit and where your personal connection to the unseen realms can deepen and flourish. I guide you through the darkness of self-doubt, shame, and judgement and into the clarity of your own connections to Spirit and to the wisdom, guidance, and love that awaits you there.

“You create a profoundly safe space.”
You create a profoundly safe space. I’ve experienced some of that in other groups but not as deeply with any other leaders as with you. Thank you for that.
I love how you lead the group with that invocation/prayer and the reminder to bring everybody to the circle and then to ask everyone who doesn't belong there to step away.
How you’ve modeled that has helped me to say ‘wait a second, something is in my circle that doesn’t need to be here right now’. I am now able to clear my space and really inhabit that space in a different way and to find some of my own power in those ways.
Then, the clearing of some really deeply deeply wounded places in my family that have been triggered again and again and I’m finally feeling at peace with some of that. So, thank you.
You’re still here! Wonderful. Here are some possible next steps:
- Join the Witchy Healer newsletter and read about the Gateways to a thriving Witchy Healing business.
- Take the Healing Fundamentalism quiz and read the ebook.
- Check out the upcoming events and see if something there calls to you.
Or, if you are here from the Witchy Healer Wisdom School and are ready to enroll, you can do that here: